Posts Tagged ‘Joel 2’


March 13, 2020

The Lord gave me a Word for 2020  about the “harvest” for this time.  He showed me that He would be moving in “suddenlies” and “microbursts” from heaven and He will allow us to walk in them if we will be willing and obedient!!     For example – just yesterday, I simply drove by a bus stop and saw two young ladies waiting for the bus.  I kept driving – but the Holy Spirit would not let me go.  Long story short – I turned the car around and got out and approached them.  I simply opened with – hi ladies how are you doing?  My name is Jean and I have to tell you, I was driving by and I felt the Lord so strongly tell me to come back over here and let you know that “He loves you , knows your name, and He is thinking about you so strongly right now”……  then I just let the conversation flow…..and before long they were pouring out their stories –  one lady had recently lost her 21 year old son – can you imagine her pain????  Jesus knew – the other one had been getting bullyed at work…..  she needed to know Jesus cared.  My stopping “showed them Jesus was thinking about them”.  They happened to both be Christians that were really “under the darkness of depression”.   But God’s presence surrounded us.  I gave them messages and scriptures, prayer and lots of love. Simply speaking LIFE to them and HOPE.  The second one grabbed me and hugged me and held on so tight.  I felt God flowing so freely through that encounter with them.  Peace was tangible.  And when I had to leave – (the bus was coming)  those precious sisters had hope and light in their eyes.  AND JOY!!!  Simply put – we had church in the bus stop waiting booth!!!  The anointing was as strong and God as present as any “revival” meeting I’ve ever been to!!!  I encourage you –  take Him to the streets.   God is in you where ever you are.  Just Step Out!!!   Below are a few helpful hints.  I’ve been doing this since 1980 – and friends –  this feels like the outpouring of that time – but better, because Jesus Christ gets the glory.  It’s just you and me to do the job and we don’t need a platform or a TV camera.  We are doing this for an audience of ONE.  IT’s the last hour my friends , and we must bear fruit while we can!!!  YOU CAN DO THIS!!  CHRIST IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY.     I Hope this practical advice helps…..  HOW TO HAVE A LIFESTYLE OF OUTREACH…..

  1. We must simply be “aware” that He intends to use us to reach the lost – right in our own surrounding areas.
  2. When we go out – to the store, gas station, for a walk, doctor’s office – anywhere.  We must be spiritually aware and looking for God to point out a divine appointment.
  3. We must have faith that the Holy Spirit and the angels of God have gone before us to set this up.
  4. When we feel that “tug” in our spirits – we must obey it.  Many times there will be dozens of people around in a store or parking lot – BUT my eyes will fall on one particular person and my spirit reacts – or I’ll sense the Holy Spirit saying  “that one”.  “That’s the Divine appointment now”
  5. At that moment I MUST obey.  Step over my flesh and take a risk.  I don’t have a “canned” speech.  Which I like.  But simply walk up and say something like  “Hello, my name is Jean, and I just really felt like God wanted me to come over here and tell you that He loves you so much and He knows what you are going through.  OR  “He sees you”  “He knows what you need”  or whatever seems to come out of my mouth.  I trust Him to fill it.
  6. Let it flow…..  after the first hello and statement – it usually takes on a life of it’s own.  “Is there anything I can pray for you about?”  Sometimes they are shy and say no.  But you just leave them with a prophetic awareness that God Himself is aware of them.  Other times – and more often than you can imagine – they burst into tears – or tell me that they are having such a hard time right now – to which I listen, and empathize and most of them let me pray on the spot.
  7. Each one is a beautiful piece of artwork.  Look deeply and feel God’s love for each one.  Speak life over them, hope over them, scriptures will come up.  Speak and prophesy over them if it comes up.
  8. Be sensitive to the moment.  Sometimes its a few minutes (I like bus stops and grocery store parking lots)  to plant some powerful words before they have to go.  But let me assure you – God will show up if you will just step out.
  9. TAKE A CHANCE.  Remember – some sow, some water, some reap –  anything you say is gonna bring their attention to God – their thoughts to God – even if its just brief –  when you leave them – the Holy Spirit stays and continues to complete what He began.
  10. My advice – just do it!!!  I have “bumbled” my way through so many “opening” statements – and God makes it work.  Don’t be afraid to let them know that God Himself has pointed them out to you!!  I often say – there are a dozen people in this parking lot and God pointed YOU out to me to come and tell you He loves you and He knows your name, and He is waiting to talk to you……   Some times I get to pray with them – sometimes it is just sowing seeds—-But remember who you are working with — the God that created them and loves them with His whole life, death and resurrection.  The person in front of you was and is worth all of that to Jesus.
  11. This is the year of the “Microburst”  2020     which the Lord defined to me as a sudden manifestation of God in the places you go.  Take Him to the streets my friends.  He is with you where ever you go.
  12. P.s.   I like to have salvation tracts to give them that explain how to be born again – just in case I don’t have time to explain – or it is a quick encounter.
  13. Don’t be afraid to PRAY for healing!  God has healed many people on the spot.  You can even ask them if they need prayer.  Don’t be afraid to flow in the gifts of the Spirit – like word of knowledge.  It blows them away when you know something about them that only God could have told you!!   ALWAYS SPEAK LIFE.  LOVE. PURPOSE to them.  They are starving for it!  What may seem simple and obvious to you – may be like a spring of living water to them.
  14. When you walk away from the encounter – trust God – you did well, because you gave the Holy Spirit something to work with in their lives.  IGNORE AND RESIST the devil , because he will try to convince you you missed it, or did a bad job.  Blow him off and do it again and again.  From now on.  Everywhere you go –  simply ask – Lord – is there a Divine appointment here?   Let the RAIN  fall on us Lord.  The former and latter rain –  with signs and wonders following

Your sister in Christ,  Jean    Lighting the Torch