Archive for May, 2014

The Tears Of Heaven

May 30, 2014

Are you misreading
The signs of the times?
Skipping along
To your rhythm and rhymes

Missing the messages
Heaven speaks loud
Refusing to listen
Following the crowd

Oh how He weeps
Because you don’t care
Ignoring the consequences
Your actions will bear

Thinking the sun
Will be shining all day
Assuming continuance
With sin you do play

Believing that all things
Never shall change
Living in denial
Isn’t life such a game

But judgement will come
It comes to us all
What was done in secret
Will be written on the wall

Don’t wait for the others
Around you to change
Humble yourself
With heaven to gain

Turn your heart heavenward
This is your life
Take control of your destiny
Come out of the night

There He is waiting
The King of all kings
To openly embrace you
Set upon you His name

The dance that will follow
Nothing can compare
To have fellowship with God
Live a life that’s so rare

Yes, how He loves you
He has paved the way
The Cross was done for you
With Him you can stay

Heaven awaits
For those that will hear
Tune in their spirits
His voice will be clear

Eternity is forever
Make sure that you spend
The time it takes here
To become a part of Him.

copyright 2013 Jean Chamblee

Two Minute Warning – Prophetic Dream

May 20, 2014

The Vice President of High Adventure Ministries told me he would meet me at the ministry at 4:00 am the next day. You had to wear many hats at the ministry and this was one of mine, driving to LAX when needed. It was a privilege and a small part in proclaiming the Gospel around the world. Plus, I was able to meet and talk with christian leaders from around the world. It was great!

I had previously committed to go to a special service that night and unfortunately didn’t get home until 12:00 am. I knew that I had to get up by 3:00 am so I set my alarm volume as high as it would go. It would be impossible to sleep through that blaring sound so I quickly fell asleep.

The dream began with the sights and sounds of the active Navel base of Port Hueneme, Ca. I had been on the base several times during ship and aircraft exhibitions. It is the only deep water port and Navel air force base in the area. They have quite an array of ships and aircraft and host air shows nearly every year. I loved going to the beach just outside the base and watching the F-18’s fly low level landings. They would bank right over the beach so low you could see the rivets on the wings and feel the roar of the engines that would shake the beach. It was awesome.

You never know what a day or night may hold. This night held one of the most vivid dream’s I had ever had. As the dream began, I was standing in the coning tower of the air force base. It felt as if I was really there. I looked around and I saw the green tint and angle of the plate glass of the tower. The radar screens, the tar mat, the runways outside, the ocean in the distance, an F 18 landing another taxiing to take off and a military jeep driving with an MP at the wheel. I was also aware of a Sergeant in the room with me but my presence went unchallenged. As I was taking in the view, a package arrived by courier and he handed it to me. It was wrapped in plain brown paper and tied in course string and weighed about 2 lbs. The courier left and I began to carefully unwrap the package removing the string then the paper. When it was unwrapped I realized it was an electronic device about 12” X 8” X 1.5” tick and with a large 2” red Led display that was counting down from 2:00 minutes.

I freaked out! Somehow I knew it was a bomb but not just a conventional bomb that you could throw out of the window and hide from the explosion. No, this was a nuclear device and there was no running away! My existence was going to be over in two minutes! So I did what anyone would do. I screamed No, No, No, while slamming the device on the table over and over again. Until 3 – 2 – 1 – 0 then I saw the detonation, a white hot flash of light and searing heat that penetrated my entire body, everything went white! At that exact moment my alarm went off and I awoke to the blaring ear piercing sound of BRAAA! BRAAA! BRAAA! It was like the civil defense alert on the radio at full volume. I sat straight up in my bed and began quickly touching my arms, face, and chest. I’m alive, I’m alive! I shut off the blaring alarm in a sweat and panic. I’m still here, I’m alive!

Later, I told a few people about the dream and they all kind of reacted the same way. Their eyes widened and said that doesn’t sound so good. Days and weeks passed by and the question that kept echoing through my mind was What if I only had 2 min. to live? or 2 hrs.? or 2 months? or 2 years? and what could or would I do differently? As I pondered this the answer came unexpectedly. It came in the form of a still small voice saying “If you weren’t so afraid of losing your own skin you could have told the sergeant in the room with you about me. Then I remembered there was someone else with me. I was so consumed at losing my life I had no concern for the man there with me. Lord forgive me for being so self absorbed. Don’t ever let me waste another opportunity to tell someone about you and what you have done for them.

Several years passed, I recorded the dream in my journal and kind of went on with my life until later when I was speaking to my fiancé Jean. We were talking about prophetic dreams we had and I told her about the 2 min warning. When she heard it she got very excited she said I can’t believe it. I just read a news letter on line from Couch McCartney / Promise Keeper’s. It was titled; “Two Minute Warning!”

The following is the poem couch Bill McCartney wrote:

ROAD TO JERUSALEM! We present to you the following poem:
“Two Minute Warning” ©
By Bill McCartney

Time has a habit of slipping away
For some it happens day after day
Until they awaken early one morning
To the alarming sound of a 2 minute warning

People rush to set things in order
They hurriedly try to defend their border
Suddenly danger lurks on every side
The enemy is here, no place to hide

That hour is coming, don’t you see
The Good Book calls it prophecy
Those not sleeping have a solution
They have prepared for a Revolution

Jew and Gentile in one accord
That’s John 17 in the Holy Sword
It’s still not too late to participate
But if you wait it will seal your fate

I told Jean this is no accident or coincidence this is prophetic! I told her I felt this dream had a prophetic quality to it like a puzzle piece suspended in the air waiting to be snapped into place at just the right time, but I couldn’t figure out the timing! I think this is that time! 
But what does it mean? So we thought about what is happening in two weeks, two months? Well nothing outstanding but what about in two years? We both became silent as the realization hit us, this was November 2006 in two years would be the Presidential election of 2008! This prophetic piece had providentially snapped into place but it’s full significance was yet to be revealed.

by Ed Thomas

A Thought On False Teachers

May 3, 2014


A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Did you know that the wisest man on earth in his time ended up going off and forsaking the Lord? The great Solomon of Proverbs ended up worshipping idols? King David’s son? How could this be? 1 Kings 11:6  “Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and did not fully follow the Lord, as did his father David.” This must be a lesson to us. We all have our “favorite” preachers, but who is to say that they might not “stray” from the truth of the Bible or are immune from being deceived? If we do not know the Word of God for ourselves we may very well be deceived at some point!

This time now, according to Jesus in Matthew 24, is one of the greatest times of deception known to man. Deception was a great concern of Jesus when He was asked about the last days. We know there will be a one world religion…..a deceptive false religion led by the false prophet. It will be so deceptive that even some of the elect will fall for it (Matthew 24:24)……but how will it come to be? And what will it look like? I think if we study the scriptures, we will know it when we see it….

Question: “What will be the end times one world religion?” Answer: The one world religion described in Revelation 17:1-18 as “the great harlot” will be part of the end times scenario. The term “harlot” is used throughout the Old Testament as a metaphor for false religion. The actual identity and makeup of the religion has been debated for centuries and has resulted in a number of different views among Bible commentators and theologians. There are convincing arguments for the one world religion being Catholicism, Islam, the new age movement, or some form of religion not even invented yet, and an internet search will produce many more possibilities and theories. There is no doubt that some sort of one world religion under the false prophet will be a part of the end times, perhaps made up of a number of different religions, sects and isms that are around today. Revelation 17:1-18 gives us several characteristics of the one world religion. The false religion will dominate all the “peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues” of the earth (Revelation 1b, 15), meaning that it will have universal authority, no doubt given by the Antichrist who rules the world at that time. Verses 2-3 describe the harlot as committing adultery with the “kings of the earth” referring to the false religion’s influence among the world’s rulers and influential people. The reference to being drunk with the wine of her adulteries may refer to those who are drunk with the power they receive from worshiping the false god of the false religion. Satan frequently ensnares those whose lust for power drives them away from the worship of the true and living God. The alliances forged by the false religion will unite church and state as never before. Verse 6 describes the harlot as being “drunk with the blood of the saints” and the blood of those who testify of Jesus. Whether they will be martyred at the hand of the Antichrist or by being systematically starved, believers who are on the earth during the tribulation will experience the wrath of the harlot and her power source, the Antichrist. Those who oppose the worldwide religion will be killed and those who refuse to worship the Antichrist by accepting his mark will be unable to buy and sell, thereby making survival very difficult (Revelation 13:16-17). Eventually, the harlot will lose favor with the Antichrist who will want to receive the world’s worship for himself. He will not share the adoration of the world with the prophets and priests of the false religion, no matter how obsequious or fawning they may be. Once the Antichrist gains the world’s amazed attention by his miraculous return from the dead (Revelation 13:3, 12, 14), he will turn on the false religious system and destroy it, establishing himself as God. The deception, Jesus tells us, will be so great that, if it were possible, even the elect would fall for it (Matthew 24:24).

(commentary by Jean…..question answer from