End Times Dream


Hi folks! Wanted to share a prophetic dream I had in August 2015, as I think it is of great significance to the body of Christ and to those that are yet to know the Lord.

In the dream I was standing on a hill and looking out over a very large valley. On the far end of the valley I could see a large mountain range made of solid iron and could tell that the sea was beyond the mountains.

As I stood watching the scene….there were thousands of people, christians and non- christians were running across the long valley towards the iron mountains. We all knew that a great tsunami was coming and they thought these mountains would save them. I started to run with the crowd too, but stopped myself and looked inward to hear the Lord’s voice. I knew He was telling me that the tsunami would be higher than the iron mountains and that all the people wouldn’t make it. I settled in my soul what I was seeing and said to myself….. “It is no use running, if it’s my time, then it’s my time and I’ll be with the Lord shortly. So I calmly turned around and walked in the opposite direction that the people were running. As I turned around and looked back, I saw the gigantic wave rise above the mountains and overtake them. All the people in the valley were quickly swallowed up. I stood in the peace of the Lord and watched the water coming toward the hill I was standing upon. As the water reached my hill it went halfway up and then turned to the left and went another direction. It’s speed had slowed much as it crossed the valley before it reached my hill. Thankfully I was spared.


I pondered on what the iron mountain must be. And the fact that there were both believers and non-believers running to trust in the strength of the iron mountain. I believe it represents on the one hand the false one world church that is to come (even some elect will be deceived), but also it represents anything manmade that people are trusting in to save them. Only Jesus Christ is the Savior and no manmade thing can save. I see it as a warning to get things right with Jesus as Lord and Savior. Repent of your sins, humble yourself before Him and cry out for His salvation. Only the Creator can save His creation. In His loving plan…Heaven is our true home if we accept His Son and His ways.

I hope this has blessed you and that you are receiving direction from God about where you are living. This confirmed to me to stay put…..no matter what others do. We must each hear from God about our particular situation and the safety in the days to come.

God bless you much! In His love, Jean Chamblee Thomas