Reposting Prophetic Dream from 2016 – amazing how accurate….

Recent Prophetic Dream 2016  (I put on my wordpress blog)

September 20, 2016 

Dream  9/20/2016
I was on a big ship that looked something like the queen Mary/ Titanic,  but had been modernized and was much larger.  More like a floating city with Disneyland qualities to it.  Everyone was running around happy and entertained like a summer vacation.   Yet something happened to the ship and somehow me and a few others that were hanging with me overheard the crew of the ship telling the truth about it.  The ship was damaged and would be belly-up in only an hour.  There was no way to fix it.  But they were not telling the people.  I could see a few “important people” that were told getting off the ship in smaller boats.
We were shocked and I said out loud.  This ship is going to be belly up in an hour.  Then a lady overheard me and she panicked to the point of a total freak out.  I did not know what to do.  And to my shame in the dream I minimized it and told her that it was only the stacks on the ship that were going under.  Which calmed her down and she went back into vacation mode.  (if she had thought it through…she would realize that could only happen if the ship went belly up )   But I realized why the crew had not told the people because of the level of panic I saw on this one woman.  I could not imagine if all on board were panicked like that.
But I felt terrible.  I gathered people that were with me and took them to my apartment on the ship.  I had salvation tracts and CD’s and materials to give out.  I was telling them….we must find those that will listen.  So we went out to try it.  I walked up to a girl and began to try and find a way to convince her the ship was sinking and she immediately closed down and we realized it would not work.  It seemed no one could handle the truth of the sinking ship.
Then we regrouped and went back to the apartment.  I had three keys the Lord had given me.  Someone wanted one and I kept one and gave it to another ,   but God chose the girl and showed me who would get the 3rd key.  This key was going to give us the answer to how to communicate to the people to accept Christ first and then they would understand.
Interpretation:     The ship is America and the western world.  People live their lives for entertainment and pleasure.  They choose to ignore all the signs God has given and continue on in play filled living.   The hour is late and the judgements of God have already begun,  yet the “crew”  or government/and leaders that know are hiding it thinking it the only way to handle things to avoid panic.
The way many of us have gone about things… telling the truth about the sinking ship…..was not effective and shut people down to the gospel.  The people , especially the younger generation/ millennials ,  are not particularly stable people.  They cannot handle the truth.  Not without Jesus Christ in their life first.  Only then can grace be given enough to prepare for the events to come.  So the old ways won’t work.  Not to lay down the tracts or music or things that carry the message of truth.  But they must be accompanied by the “keys” to the kingdom.  or Miracles.
Miracles are the keys to unlocking this generation FAST.  And that is what must be done.  WE don’t have much time.
Jean Chamblee 2016  c.

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